Leaf for Life Leaf for Life Foundation

Rural Development

Leaf for Life

Training opportunities are lacking in St Albans rural communities and the Leaf For Life Foundation Skills Development Program will afford individuals from this impoverished community an opportunity to develop.


Job creation opportunities and employable skills.


An 8 week Sewing Course with a Business Principles Module.

Our St Albans Skills Sewing Instructor Noluthando Mqingwana herself is a graduate from the successful Skills Program,successfully completing a Sewing Course and Computer Course.

According to the National Treasury of South Africa,” 69% of all South Africans that live in poverty, live in rural areas,”

Agricultural productivity will be a direct, effective and efficient method to reduce rural poverty in the area. Families in the community will benefit through employment as well as skills development opportunities provided by the Leaf For Life Foundation e.g the Seamstress Sewing Course already running at Plot 29 St Albans to enable them to acquire skills for sustainable financial independence.

The Leaf For Life Foundation builds financial self sufficiency for the individuals as well as the community surrounds.

Some research done by the Manager Sho’ayb Amodjee on the areas surrounding the St. Albans Tunnel farm indicates communities marked by poverty and crime.

Fairview Race Course Squatter Camp: approx 350 shacks housing some 1500 individuals. 2 female employees currently employed at the farm reside in this community.

Plot 59 St Albans Boskamp Squatter Camp:

Approx 20 shacks housing 100 individuals.

Females from this area were previously employed on the project.

Agricultural productivity will be a direct, effective and efficient method to reduce rural poverty in the area. Unemployed individuals in the St Albans community will be afforded an opportunity to apply for posts on the farm. With the expansion of the project, the need for increased human resources will necessitate the employment from the community of St. Albans